Another Day

I start my day about 5:15. I had a feeling that I should stay at home. I was feeling a little sluggish and usually that means I have too much dilantin (seizure med). I kept telling myself that I could wait till after school to get it checked. I got finished with my bible study and went to get dressed when I received a text. It was from Robin(my sister) and she always seems to give me encouragement just when I need it. Well after I read it, I began to cry and could not stop! I was having a meltdown!! I had five minutes to get dressed plus my nose was bleeding like crazy. I realized I was not going to make it to school and maybe I needed to take the day off! I called into work and began my maternity leave a day early. On top of all of that, my lower back started hurting. That's just great, was this back labor and what should I do? I got James to cart me around town for a few errands. We decided to have a little lunch so he dropped me off at Daddy Sams (BBQ place) and went down about a block to leave my car to get the oil changed. We ate lunch with several friends who are nurses. When I was was leaving, Robin calls me. As I was leaving, my shoe broke! And I was going to walk to get the car. No such luck. I had James go get the car while stood out in the middle of Daddy Sam's parking lot talking to Robin because I could not walk anywhere. I know this sounds crazy for me to write about but at the time all I could think about is OMG!! What else could go wrong. I finally made it home and took a short nap. After supper, I had a pretty bad pain in my eye. After about 30 min. I started getting drainage from the eye! OMG I could bet you $100 I have pink eye!!!! What in the world? I had a few students that had this Monday. So now I have to find med. tomorrow and find a way to keep James and Ian from catching it. I guess I should have listened to my body at 5:15 this morning and gone back to bed!!!

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