Shepherd Boy

I was recently told I need to update my blog.  I told them I would when I had something to write about!  I got it!!!  I am reading Praying Circles around Your Children by Mark Batterson.  (This is what I read today:   David's own dad didn't see who he could or would become.  When Jesse looked at David, he saw a shepherd boy; when Samuel looked at David, he saw a king!  One of the greatest dangers of family relationships is that we become blind to beauty and mystery simply because we live in such close proximity.  You need a vision for your children.)  So this morning I prayed that I would not just see Ian as a shepherd boy but I would see a King.  God, give him confidence and boldness to be the person you have designed him to be. 
I remembered that I had taken this picture yesterday of Ian "walking" his goat!!  I have to say only a King would think of something like this!  If only he could find someone to appoint to do it all for him!!  This picture will always remind me to pray this prayer for him!  Just love my Ian!!

A view from the top!!!!!!!

All went great with surgery. It took about 2 hours for the doctor to do his part and about 1 1/2 hours in recovery. They put a stent in (pipeline) which eventually closes off aneurysm. I got a little nauseated from the anesthesia. They gave me meds and I slept until about 2:00pm. I had to lay completely flat until about 5:00pm. I think that was the hardest part!!! I was starving when I woke up so I had a little Mc Donald's!!! And after a few more hours, I checked my Facebook!!! Wow! I can't believe it has been so easy! Isn't that what we have prayed for?! God is so Good! So far this Mountain climb has been pretty easy...or maybe I should say it has not been too bad! And guess what, they are going to move me to the 22nd floor! Now that should be a nice view! Not quiet the view from a mountain top I would have wanted to see, but when I look out that window I will be reminded of this mountain view. In fact, I think I will stop writing for now so I can share with you the view from the top!... Well here it is. All the way from the top!

Here we go!

Been waiting for this day for a while!  Have you ever just not wanted to do something that you know you have to do?  I really don't want to have this surgery. You know, if I felt bad and I knew it would fix something that hurt then maybe I would not mind going through it.  Maybe I will ask the doctor to fix something that really hurts on this old body!! Talk about walking by faith!  That's how I feel right now!  I am so ready to get this over so I can get back to taking care of my family. I finally got all my ducks in a row and left everyone a list of reminders for the week!  So far everything  has gone smooth. I guess what I don't know won't hurt me!  I have put all my kiddos in trusted hands and know they will be taken care of. Isn't that what mothers do?  Now if I could just relax and let the doctors and God take care of me. That is so hard.  Especially when I have never had any type of major surgery!!!  Honestly I am Nervous but at the same time there is a peace that is over me!  I know it is the peace that everyone one is praying for me to have!  Unexplainable!  Just so neat!  Thank you all!